Steve and Lisa's Mortgage Morsels

This Week's Mortgage Morsel

December 2nd, 2011 9:02 AM by Michael Iltis

What’s a point? 

A point -- which equals one percent (1%) of the total loan amount -- is an up-front fee that lowers your monthly interest rate and total interest due over the life of the loan. Therefore, a one point loan will have a lower interest rate than a no point loan. Basically, when you pay points you trade off paying money later in favor of paying money now. You can pay fractions of points, meaning there are a lot of “point packages” that can make a loan's terms more favorable if that's what's right for you.

There are a variety of rate and point combinations available. When you look at different loan programs, don't look just at the rate -- compare the whole package. Federal law requires lenders to publish their loans' Annual Percentage Rate, or A.P.R. The A.P.R. is a tool used to compare different terms, offered rates, and points.

Posted in:General
Posted by Michael Iltis on December 2nd, 2011 9:02 AM


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